Southern Ranch Supply

Pneu-Dart are disposable RDD Devices that are designed to provide precise drug delivery in a convenient, inexpensive projectile. These devices are appropriate for use on small or large animals.
Pneu-Dart Darts
Whether your task is to medicate or sedate, Pneu-dart has the ideal remote delivery system for you. Disposable RDDs come in a broad array of sizes and are easy to fill. We currently carry some 5cc and 10cc and can accommodate any other size requests.
Contact us today to find out more about the products we carry.
Pneu-Dart Projector
The Model 178B is a synthetic stock breech loading Air projector recommended for short to medium range environments. This model is equipped with a pre-mounted holographic scope and can shoot anywhere from 2 feet to 40 yards, depending on the size of dart and number of pumps used. Most producers find that the air-powered rifle provides more than enough range and power for their required uses on pasture.
Contact us today to find out more about the products we carry.
389 (Cartridge Fired)
Pneu-Dart Projector
The Model 389 is the latest and most advanced cartridge-fired projector of the modern day era. This model is best used for medium to long ranges. The Model 389 is equipped with a 3-9 x 32mm scope and can shoot anywhere from 0 to 70 yards, depending on dart size and charge power. The Model 389 has proven to be the most versatile, accurate, and consistent cartridge-fired projector ever made. The hinger, breach loading RDD barrel supports any size RDD and is equipped with our revolutionary Airflow Control Ports. Our ACP technology aligns with the exiting gas at the muscle, thereby virtually eliminating "tail-kick" of the RDD. The five position power control has been moved closer to the shooter ensuring silent, quick, and safe power adjustment for any shot distance.